Default Text in a field

I did a page break (in a text area) …never could get it to work in the declarative actions, and ended up doing it in a snippet.  This was just used in a demo and I never fully tested it in a bunch of browser versions.  But essentially the comment string became:

newComment = commentLine1 + ‘/n’ + commentLine2;

and the /n produced a carriage return.

So you could run a snippet before showing your pop up that added the break, something like this: (replace CommentModel and Comments__c with your actual model and field)

var params = arguments[0],$ = skuid.$;
var myModel = skuid.model.getModel(‘CommentModel’);

var myRow = myModel.getFirstRow();

var commentLine1 = “First Line of Comments”;
var commentLine2 = “Second Line of Comments”;

myComments = commentLine1 +  ’
’ + commentLine2;

myModel.updateRow(myRow,{Comments__c: myComments});