Need help in saving the page by cancelling all render conditions and validations

Hi Janick,

Sorry for the delayed response. 
The thing is when I click on Quick save button, page should be saved even though the user does not fill the required fields.

I tried to include below script and button actions on the quick save button, but its not updating the records

Action Type: Run Snippet: validateQuickSave
Action Type: Close all popups

var params = arguments[0],    $ = skuid.$;

var myModel = skuid.$M(‘MODEL NAME’);
var rows = myModel.getRows();
var dfd = $.Deferred();

$.each(rows, function(i, row) {
    if(row.Customer_Name__c === ’ ’ || row.Customer_Name__c !== ’ ')

I know something is missing or I am not using the right approach… but I definitely need help in resolving this issue.

Thank you so much for the follow up.