Attachments table only loading one more record when Load More clicked, but there are more records

Hi Curtis

I am running on 9.3.4 and completed the following test.

I used the case and attachment objects and attached 11 files to a case.

I built a page using detail view to expose the Case.

I added 2 Tabs. 1 for ‘more info’ which loads first and another for the ‘attachments’ which only renders on first view with an action which queries the attachment model.

I set the attachment model to only load 5 records and on page load the ‘more’ prompt appears and when clicked more records are loaded without any strange behaviour.

Update your org to 9.3.4 and cut and past this XML into a new page. You can then add your current models to the page and remove the case details Ui to test.

Good luck.
