Idea: EDIT/Read with Edit/Read Only Set By URL parameter

Hey guys -

I’ve actually done something like this.  In the last app I worked on, our pages were so complicated that having a different one for "read’ and “edit” would have been a maintenance nightmare (they were already difficult to manage).  

In short, I created a framework layer on top of skuid that allowed initial component state (read/readonly/edit) to be controlled and changed as needed.  It worked out really well actually.  For example, if the user had clicked “edit record” from a tab, the corresponding components started out in “edit” mode.  Then, after save, it didn’t even need to go to the “View” page - instead, it just flipped the state on the components.  There were ways to have components respect the “flip” or always appear a certain way.  Instead of having a “AccountEdit” and “AccountView” Skuid page, I had an Account_VENC (View/Edit/New/Clone) - yep, a single page handled all 4 situations :slight_smile:

I think I posted an idea a year or two ago asking for something like this.  Would be a great feature to see added to Skuid.