Record Type change not respected using page assignments

Hi, I am just circling back on this as I went back and used your simplified approach of redirecting using the sample you provided.

However, I am still unable to change the record type of a record. The scenario is:

  1. An opportunity exists as RecordType-A and uses the native Salesforce View, Edit, and New screens.

  2. User wants to change the record from RecordType-A to RecordType-B. So the user views the opportunity and clicks the “Change” link next to the record type.

  3. System redirects user to the Record Type selection screen.

  4. User selects RecordType-B and is redirected.

…and this is where the issue occurs. The record type change the user selected doesn’t take. I know that the selection screen doesn’t actually save the change but rather takes the users selection and passes the change on but for some reason this doesn’t work with the skuid redirect. I tried adding the record type param to the URL hoping that would help but it had no affect.

<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" extensions="skuid.Redirects" action="{!redirect}?objecttype=Opportunity&amp;actiontype=Edit&amp;RecordType={!Opportunity.RecordTypeId}" readOnly="true"> </apex:page>