Add support for registering custom formulas

It is!

Here’s an example of how to use this awesome new feature!

snippet of type Inline:

formulaName = 'concat\_names';
formulaFunction = function(first,last){
    return 'Your full name is : ' + first + ' ' + last;
options = {numArgs : 2,returnType : 'string'};
skuid.formula.Formula(formulaName, formulaFunction, options);

Snippet of type Inline (Snippet) to load your custom function

(function(skuid){ var $ = skuid.$;
        var buildFormulas = skuid.snippet.getSnippet('customFormulas');

use the formula in a ui formula field:


And voilà - formula magic!

Of course the possibilities are endless since merge syntax is supported in formulas and javascript has access to all model data.