custom picklist field renderer displays array as one of the entries

Hey Pat, my favourite Skuid Dev from Canada :smiley:
I’m fine, how is life treating you?

Yep, the model metadata looks fine but that still doesn’t explain the (very) odd behaviour of that renderer…
There’s one workaround where you just simply delete the first entry of the rendered HTML-picklist (which you can get using field.element as starting node after skuid.ui.fieldRenderers…) , since it only seems to affect the first entry (pretty hacky and ugly, but that should work ^^)

This could look like this:

skuid&#46;ui&#46;fieldRenderers&#46;PICKLIST&#46;edit(field, roleUserPicklist);<br />$(field&#46;element)&#46;find("option")&#46;eq(0)&#46;remove();

You might need to modify that a little, didn’t test that :wink:

Keep me posted :wink:
