skuid line graph question

Ok, still need help with this one. I’ve gone the HighCharts direction so I could define my data in javascript since my requirement makes standard charting an impossibility (as far as I can tell). I have the chart rendering it’s legend, but no data points show up.

Can anyone help me identify what is wrong with this guy?
     var $ = skuid.$;
 var myModelRows = skuid.$M('mymodel').getRows();
 var chartSeries = ;
&nbsp;for(var index = 0; index < myModelRows.length; index++) {
&nbsp; &nbsp;var rowData = buildRowData(myModelRows[index]); &nbsp; &nbsp; console.log(rowData.split(","));
&nbsp;chartSeries[index] = {
&nbsp;name: myModelRows[index].Account_Number__c,
&nbsp;data: rowData.split(",") };
&nbsp;var chart = $('#container').highcharts({
&nbsp;xAxis: { categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] },

&nbsp;yAxis: { ceiling: 100, floor: 0 },

&nbsp;plotOptions: { series: { type: "line", allowPointSelect: true } },

series: chartSeries }); });

&nbsp;function buildRowData(dataRow) {
&nbsp;var data = dataRow.Jan__c + "," + dataRow.Feb__c + "," + dataRow.Mar__c + "," + dataRow.Apr__c + "," + dataRow.May__c + "," + dataRow.Jun__c + "," + dataRow.Jul__c + "," + dataRow.Aug__c + "," + dataRow.Sept__c + "," + dataRow.Oct__c + "," + dataRow.Nov__c + "," + dataRow.Dec__c; return data;