drawer filter problem/ bug


thanks for the reply. I am not getting behaviour that is consistent with what you say - so something is wrong.

All drawers have before load actions that include setting model condition and querying the model

However any filters applied in the drawer table cause problems with other drawers:

Below. Table of SMART results, with drawers of Milestones. All SMART results have Milestones with status of planned.

I open first drawer in SMART result “Q3 certification delivery” and I see all the drawer rows irrespective of status, I do the same with “Q3 SMART data delivery” and “Q3 Supply chain delivery” again I see all the drawer rows.

If I apply the filter “planned” status to the Milestone drawer of “Q3 certification delivery” (the top one below) I no longer see any records in this drawer or the drawer below (“Q3 SMART data delivery”) despite there being rows that fit with this filter. Irrespective of what I now do to the filters or the drawers (open, close drawer, remove/ reapply filters) I now cannot make any rows reappear in the top two drawers. Only way to get the rows back is reload the page.
