Salesforce Implementation Restriction on ActivityHistories

Hey, Damien,

A few questions:

  1. Are you using a list of parent records (e.g. a list of Contracts, getting the Activities for each Contract)? Or just a single parent record? It sounds like this issue may be coming from pulling in child records for multiple parent records.
  2. How are you displaying information on the child records (a screenshot might be helpful here)? In a Template field on a field editor or table? Or in a separate component (like a table drawer or popup)?

One idea to avoid these errors is to use a separate model on ActivityHistory, rather than the child relationship on the Contracts model. If using a list of parent records, display these activities in a drawer or popup. This tutorial gives a good example where we only query for specific child records when we need them:

If you choose to go the child relationship route, it may also help to add some limits to your child relationship (if you haven’t already done this). To set these, click on the child relationship in the list of model fields, and go to “Conditions” and “Properties”.

  1. Limit the number of records
  2. Add a limit to your child relationship (e.g. 100)
  3. Specify an order (e.g. ActivityDate ASC, or LastModifiedDate DESC to see the most recent)

Also, a hint: You may run into issues trying to use the ActivityHistory object in Skuid, since there are some Salesforce API limitations around this. If this happens, you may have to create 2 separate models,ClosedTasks (Task records where IsClosed = true) and ClosedEvents (I think this is Event records where StartDateTime < TODAY).
