Can I create a list of ActivityHistory or OpenActivity records?


I think you’ve gotten about as far as you’re able to. Querying the “ActivityHistories” Child Relationship is the best way / only way to get at ActivityHistory data, but Skuid doesn’t let you display Child Relationship data as rows in a Table, so your best bet is to use a Template Component to format the data using Merge Syntax to “look” like a table. This is a bit of a hack, that may not look good in the future if Skuid changes its CSS, but it’s a temporary workaround.

Here’s the XML for a sample page:

{{FirstName}} {{LastName}} {{Model.label}} <div class="nx-skootable"> <table class="nx-skootable-data"> <thead> <tr> <th>Subject</th> <th>Date</th> <th>Who</th> <th>Related To</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="nx-list-contents"> {{#ActivityHistories.records}} <tr class="nx-item"> <td>{{Subject}}</td> <td>{{ActivityDate}}</td> <td>{{Who.Name}}</td> <td>{{What.Name}}</td> </tr> {{/ActivityHistories.records}} </tbody> </table> </div>

Here’s some example contents of the Template for the Template Component (you have to have “Allow HTML” enabled):

{{#ActivityHistories.records}} {{/ActivityHistories.records}}
Subject Date Who Related To
{{Subject}} {{ActivityDate}} {{Who.Name}} {{What.Name}}