Queue item not given nx-queue-item-selected when item action is none

Hi Karen -

Thanks for looking in to this. I think there is possibly some confusion over what I was asking for here.

I agree that having a “Do Nothing” option is needed and should remain. What I was getting at is that the “selection” of an item in the queue is still occurring even though there is nothing to do when it’s selected. Since the user is “selecting” the queue item, it should receive the nx-queue-item-selected class so that it is properly decorated using the CSS (it should also be marked as selected as mentioned at https://community.skuid.com/t/selected-property-of-queue-items-not-being-set?rfm=1&to…). The key here is that the item is being selected, it’s just that when it is selected, there is no action to take.

Unfortunately, setting to “Run Multiple Actions” and leaving the actions list empty is very misleading and results in very poor “documentation”. While technically it accomplishes what I’m after (similar to Run Snippet with no snippet), when another page developer is looking at the page, they will see “Run With Multiple Actions” and no actions and think “Why are there no actions, something isn’t right here.” Since there is no way currently to “document” a Skuid page (there is a community post somewhere asking for this), the configuration of a page needs to be self-documenting. Having “Do Nothing” apply the nx-queue-item-selected class would allow the CSS to be applied since the user is selecting the item while not taking action for the “click” itself.

To provide more clarity, here is my use case.

In the screen shot below, you’ll see a queue on the left and queue on the right. The buttons in the middle move items from left to right (they can also use drag-and-drop). If I set the queue on the left to “Do Nothing”, the item doesn’t highlight so the user has no “context” over which item “Move Selected” will actually move. I don’t want the item to move when they select/click the item, I only want it to indicate it’s selected.

Look forward to your thoughts. Thanks!