Table limits record retrieval to 11,000 records in a table that has more than that

Hi Barry,

1. This 10,000 limit is not a Skuid enforced limit, it’s a Salesforce limit. We would love it if the Standard Set Controller could be initialized with QueryLocators with more than 10,000 rows. The only way around this is with PK Chunking or some other way to change the conditions. You could have a condition that asked for records with names starting with A-D, then move on through E-G and so on. 


Scenario 1: No Order By

a. SOQL Loads in 5000 records

b. Skuid Limits Standard Set Controller Page Size to 2000 and Page Number to 3 (Math.Ceil( Standard Set Controller’s default ordering is different than SOQL, so we get 2000 new records that were not previously in the model.

c. We continue to get 2000 new records with each batch until pages 3,4, and 5 are loaded. If we had loaded in pages 1 and 2, we could have loaded a total of 15,000 records if Skuid didn’t find duplicates. 5,000 from SOQL and 10,000 from the Standard Set Controller. I’ve never researched what the exact default ordering for SOQL and Standard Set Controllers are, but I do know that they are different.

Scenario 2: Order By Included

a. SOQL Loads in 5000 records

b. Skuid Limits Standard Set Controller Page Size to 2000 and Page Number to 3 (Math.Ceil( Since the ordering is the same, we get records 4,000 through 6,000. 1,000 of these records are duplicates that are already in the model. Skuid simply updates the 1,000 duplicate records with possible new data, and adds in the new 1,000 records.

c. The rest of the loads are pretty straightforward because 2,000 new records are added each load until the 10,000 limit is reached.