ui-field formula to return current time

A slightly different approach here which we implemented in about 5mins (because we required a constantly counting UTC time clock on a page) was to embed a clock from timeanddate.com which can be embedded in a template component.

This clock keeps ticking over regardless of page load, so our users know exactly what the current UTC time is. A clock can be created here: http://www.timeanddate.com/clocks/free.html and then the iframe code copied into a template on the page.

Or just copy the iframe we created:

<iframe src="<a%20target=" _blank rel="nofollow" href="https://freesecure.timeanddate.com/clock/i57odhda/tluk/tct/pct/tt0/tw0/tm1/th1/ta1" title="Link https//freesecuretimeanddatecom/clock/i57odhda/tluk/tct/pct/tt0/tw0/tm1/th1/ta1">https://freesecure.timeanddate.com/clock/i57odhda/tluk/tct/pct/tt0/tw0/tm1/th1/ta1"; frameborder="0" width="182" height="18" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>