Deploying Child Pages with Post Install Apex Script

Hi J.,

I updated the method RefreshPagesInModule to handle Master and child pages and now seems to work well. Just wanted to know if I’m doing anything wrong in the method:

    // private method to upsert pages from static resource (JSON)    
   private static void RefreshPagesInModule(String module) {
        string[] upsertErrList = new List<string>();
        string[] updateList = new List<string>();
        string[] insertList = new List<string>();
        string insertedPages = '';
        string updatedPages = '';
        string failedPages = '';
        cloupra__Batch__c batch = new cloupra__Batch__c();
        string csvString  = '';
        Attachment att;
        string event;
        // See if a StaticResource containing new pages for this module yet exists      
        StaticResource sr = [
            select Body
            from StaticResource 
            where Name = :(module + 'Pages')
            and ((NamespacePrefix = NULL) OR (NamespacePrefix = :module))
            limit 1
        // The new Pages for our module that we will be inserting       
        List<skuid__Page__c> newPages
        = (List<skuid__Page__c>) JSON.deserialize(sr.Body.toString(),List<skuid__Page__c>.class);
        List<Schema.SObjectField> layoutFields = new List<Schema.SObjectField>{
        Map<string, string> pageMap = new Map<string, string>();
        for (skuid__Page__c p : newPages) {
            if(p.skuid__MasterPage__c != null) {
                // map of unique Id of page to unique id of master page to be used to set master page for child pages in newPages list
                pageMap.put(p.skuid__UniqueId__c, p.skuid__MasterPage__r.skuid__UniqueId__c);
                // Get rid of the master page Ids so that upsert will proceed           
                p.skuid__MasterPage__c = null;
                p.skuid__MasterPage__r = null;
            // Get rid of the Ids so that upsert will proceed           
            p.Id = null;
            // Ensure that unused Layout fields are set to null         
            for (Schema.Sobjectfield f : layoutFields) {
                if (p.get(f)==null) p.put(f,null);
        // If we have successfully compiled new Pages for this module,        
        // delete the old ones and replace them with the new.        
        if (newPages != null &amp;&amp; !newPages.isEmpty()) {
            Schema.SObjectField f = skuid__Page__c.skuid__UniqueId__c;
            try {
                event = 'upsert';
                List<Database.UpsertResult> cr = Database.upsert(newPages,f,false);
                integer ndx = 0;
                for (Database.UpsertResult r : cr) {
                    if (r.isSuccess()) {
                        // Operation was successful, so get the ID of the record that was processed
                        //System.debug('Successfully Inserted record: ' + r.getId() + ' - ' + r);
                        if(r.isCreated()) { 
                            insertedPages += newPages[ndx].Name + '
                        else {
                            updatedPages += newPages[ndx].Name + '
                    else {
                        string errMsg = r.getErrors()[0].getMessage();
                        errMsg += ',' + newPages[ndx].Name + '
            catch (exception e) {
                 system.debug(, 'upsert error--------- ' + string.valueOf(e));
        skuid__Page__c[]  allPages = [select Id, skuid__UniqueId__c, skuid__MasterPage__c from skuid__Page__c where skuid__Module__c = :module];
        Map<string, string> IdUniqueIdMap = new Map<string, string>();
        for(skuid__Page__c p: allPages) {
            IdUniqueIdMap.put(p.skuid__UniqueId__c, p.Id);
        skuid__Page__c [] childPages = new List<skuid__Page__c>();
        for(skuid__Page__c p: allPages) {
            // if page did not have master page in the pagepack continue
            if(pageMap.get(p.skuid__UniqueId__c) == null) continue;
            p.skuid__MasterPage__c = IdUniqueIdMap.get(pageMap.get(p.skuid__UniqueId__c));
        if(!childPages.isEmpty()) {       
            database.update(childPages, false); 
        if(!newPages.isEmpty()) {
            batch.cloupra__Status__c = 'Completed';
            batch.cloupra__Description__c = 'Batch_Creted_By_Post_Install_Script - skuid__Page__c Upsert';
            if(!upsertErrList.isEmpty()) {
                batch.cloupra__Status__c = 'Completed (With Errors)';
                for(string s: upsertErrList) {
                    csvString = csvString + s;
                csvString = 'Error Message,Page Name
' + csvString;
            insert batch;
            string feedTitle = 'Page Upsert Result:
            string msgBody = 'Upsert Result:
            msgBody += newPages.size() + ' pages processed 
            msgBody += insertList.size() + ' pages inserted
            msgBody += updateList.size() + ' pages updated
            msgBody += upsertErrList.size() + ' pages failed

            msgBody += 'Inserted Pages:
' + insertedPages + '
            msgBody += 'Updated Pages:
' + updatedPages + '
            msgBody += 'Failed Pages:
' + csvString;
            if(!upsertErrList.isEmpty()) {
                att = new Attachment();
                att.Name = 'Page upsert error result';
                att.Description = msgBody;
                att.Body = blob.valueOf(csvString);
                att.ParentId = batch.Id;
                insert att; 
            FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
            post.ParentId = batch.Id;
            post.Body = msgBody;
            post.Type = 'TextPost';
            post.Title = feedTitle;
            insert post;           

Any Advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.