field renderer display a field twice

The Key thing from your response " The field editor will duplicate itself for each row in the model "  - that is what was happening .

I was trying to minimize the no# of models on the page, hence i have created this Ui-Only field on Address__c model, where I get more than one address in most of the cases, so when I use this for field editor , it is showing #no of times of rows it get.

So I have created a separate dummy model , with this ui-only pick-list field and populating this field with the address records received (with Address-line-1 only).

But here, to clear the picklist array , I was doing this :

LINE-1 : var picklistEntries = field.metadata.picklistEntries;

LINE 2:  picklistEntries.length = 0;    // to clear 

here the issue is : if do not create any picklist entry on ui-only field definition on model, the LINE-1 above always get null and line 2 throws error saying cannot set length property of undefined/null.

so I had to create some dummy entry "Test-1’ on ui-only picklist field. 

Any pointers on this Matt ?

Thanks for your help!