Add X days to an existing date field

ty Matt for syntax, that did remove the error, but this code is still not calculating as it should :frowning:

Instead of getting date I expected (2/29/2016) I get ‘3Invalid Date’
it looks like code is getting ‘invalid date’ for field LastActivityDate

I wish this could be done in formula fields… like in salesforce…such a breeze to do simple calculations like those, but unfortunately i need to be able to see calculations in real time (without saving) /rant over/

var field = arguments[0], $ = skuid.$, value = arguments[1], createdDateTime = new Date(field.row.LastActivityDate.substr(0, field.row. LastActivityDate.lastIndexOf('.'))), currentDateTime = skuid.$M('accounttest').getFirstRow().Days_to_add theTimeYouWant = currentDateTime + createdDateTime; field.element.append(theTimeYouWant );