file upload - allow multiple attachments at once


For uploading only attachments, create 3 Models. 
One where your attachments should be stored with Fields for every single file (as you would need with the standard file upload), one to skuid_image__c and one to Attachments. IMPORTANT: on these “helper-models” remove the load on page load and do NOT create a new row if none.

Drag in the Component, and select your models and the number of attachments you want to upload (max. 5 atm) and link all your fields there.
In the upload later you can select in the filepicker as many files as you like, but only as many you chose as limit or less will be uploaded. Later, if you upload again, it fills the remaining attachment fields and does not override the old attachments. (Our use case was an image gallery, thats why)

If you want all files possible simply don’t check the box “only images”.

To download, delete or view your uploaded files you would still need the File Upload from skuid.