Conditional rendering using date literals always evaluates as true (Banzai 7.19)


* Each of the three IF statements is going to return 1 or 0 - Correct
* The left side of each of the 3 >= tests is extracting the number of that part of my date -correct
* The right side is extracting the corresponding number portion of TODAY Correct

Today is 1 - 21 - 2016. My date is 2 - 1 - 2016. Won’t the day test fail and the whole formula return a value of 2, even though Feb is later than today? Or do I not understand how this work

You are correct in this, at first I was thinking, your formula scenario was if == today
and that formula works perfectly for that scenario
Once I was about to reply did i notice you needed >= today and did not think further lol

But here’s another way to accomplish it, but it may not be 100% accurate

IF((DAY({{Name_of_Your_field__c}})+  (MONTH({{Name_of_Your_field__c}})*30.5)) >=(DAY(TODAY())+  MONTH(TODAY())*30.5),1,0) +IF((YEAR({{Name_of_Your_field__c}}))>=YEAR(TODAY()),1,0)

I’m basically converting the months in days and adding them up to the day

The only issue I can see with this formula is that I’m multiplying the # of Months by a static value of 30.5 (average days per month)

Could be an issue for months like Feb or small data sample

Hope it helps