Field in Object links to another object in the same 'table' - How to do a lookup?

Hi, Seth,
Let me make sure I understand the setup. You have a single object “Settings”. A Settings record can have a Type of “School” or “Class”. The Settings object has a lookup to itself so that a “Class” Settings can reference a “School” Settings. Does that sound right? If so, I don’t think you will need another model to get the search results you want.

To limit results to Settings of Type = “School”, you can add a lookup filter to your lookup field. This is found on the Filters tab in the field properties. The filter would be Type (or whatever field you are using to determine the type) = “School”.

To display something besides the Name field in the lookup results, go to the Search tab in the field properties. You can determine the display of the search results through a Search Template:

You can choose fields from the field picker to the right of the Search Template body, and then arrange the display for search results. In my example, I am looking up Account records and displaying the results in the format of **{{Name}} ({{Industry}})**.

One thing to watch out for: For whatever fields you are using in the lookup filter or search template, make sure you include these fields from the parent Settings record in your child Settings model. In my case, where I am using Opportunity as the child and Account as the parent record, I have added the Account.Industry field to my Opportunity model since I use it in the search template.

Let me know how that works or if you have any questions!