Chatter Feed on Case does not contain Email action

Hi, Rebecca and Neville, I have a hunch that we haven’t included quick actions yet because there is something tricky about them, or they’re not exposed.

However, it sounds like it might not be to hard to replicate this with a page title action in Skuid - you could do a redirect to the Salesforce email page for that lead, but then I suppose that would defeat the purpose of not having to leave the page.  

Something I’ve been doing a lot of lately for our own crm is creating a new task popup where users can enter the Subject & Description of an email and click a “Send in Gmail” button that saves the task and opens Gmail in a new tab, populating the email address, subject, and body (from the description).  But then you don’t get to use your templates… Hmmm…

I’ll check on this and let you know what I find out. In the meantime, let me know if this has triggered any ideas for you.