Digital signatures using SKUID


First thank you for sharing your sample page. I know very little (nothing really) about javascript but I can usually piece things together to make it work. In this instance I copied your test page xml, added the long text signature field, downloaded the jsignature zip file, and created a static resource (used the same name JSignatureMaster). My problem is that my page does not seem to render the custom component.

Any guidance here would be VERY much appreciated.

Thanks again for all your help thus far.


// JSignature and // SKUID
// demo for saving drawing of signature in Salesforce
// Peter Baeza - 2014-04-22

var element = arguments[0],
$ = skuid.$;

$(document).ready(function() {
// init signature canvas

// Get existing signature from text field  
var model = skuid.model.getModel('Signer'),  
    row = model.getFirstRow(),  
    sigField = 'Signature\_\_c',   
    sigData = model.getFieldValue(row,sigField);  
if(sigData !== null ) {     // read back Signature data  
    element.jSignature("setData", "data:" + sigData);  
