Clone for tables

This is now possible to do without any code at all using the Action Framework, using the “Create new row in Model” Action.

  1. Add a Row Action (or Mass Action, for mass-cloning!) to your Table.
  2. Action Type should be “Run Multiple Actions”, Action Label should be “Clone” and Action Icon should be “sk-icon-clone”
  3. Click on the Actions property category.
  4. Click the + icon to add a new Action.
  5. Action Type should be “Create new row” - select the same Model as your Table’s Model.
  6. Click the + icon on your Create new row action to add a Default Value to your new row. Do this for each field that you want to populate in your cloned row. The value should be {{{FieldName}}} where FieldName should be replaced with the name of each field, e.g. “{{{FirstName}}}”, “{{{LastName}}}”, “{{{My_Custom_Field__c}}}”. Only do this for createable fields on your model — for instance, don’t try to clone Id, CreatedDate, LastModifiedById because this won’t work and is not necessary.

And voila, here’s what you get — row-level and/or mass-action cloning!