All Lightning Components not appearing in Sandbox with Custom Domain Name


Regarding your desire to use ui:inputXXX, ui:button, and ui:menu, Skuid has native components that accomplish the functionality of each of these.

All of the functionality of ui:input components can be accomplished using a combination of Skuid Models and Skuid’s Field Editor component. If you are interested in creating “unbound” input fields, you just need to add Ui-Only Fields to a Model — Ui-Only fields allow you to accomplish all of the functionality of ui:inputText, ui:inputDate, ui:inputDateTime, etc. For more info on Ui-Only Fields, see this tutorial. For fields “bound” to a true Salesforce / External Data Source field, it’s even easier — just select these fields from your data source and add them to your Model, then drag them into a Field Editor. 

All of the functionality of ui:button can be accomplished using Page Title Buttons. Just drag a Page Title component into your page, then add Buttons (the Title Template and Subtitle Template) can be removed so that you just have 1+ Buttons. With Skuid Buttons you can easily run a sequence of Skuid Actions using the Action Framework from a Button, you can Conditionally Render / Enable buttons, and you can run JavaScript if needed.

The functionality of ui:menu can be accomplished using Skuid’s Navigation component. Add a Navigation and choose type “Dropdown”. You can then add Navigation Items, each of which can be configured to run a sequence of actions. 
