Having Rich Text Data Type Field, does not the actual value after entered, saved the value.

Hi Rob,

Just to help clarify, there are two issues here:

  1. We have a custom field renderer that renders a certain field inside of a drawer, based on the value of a picklist field called Data Type in the table row. See the table below for reference:
    Something odd is occurring only with the rich text editor. When a value is entered into the rich text editor, and the model is saved (drawer closes automatically upon save), and I re-open the drawer, the value is not displaying:
    Screenshot of the value I typed in:

    Screenshot after save and expanding the drawer:

    It is not until I click the edit row action icon that the value re-appears, which leads me to the second issue:
  2. Values entered into the rich text field are displaying in HTML source format instead of the normal formatting in which I entered it (i.e.


  • ,
    , etc. tags are appearing; apostrophe’s are being converted to ‘’’ etc.). Below is a screenshot of the same drawer, after clicking the edit icon:

    Setting the table inside of the drawer (which contains the rich text editor) to Edit mode instead of Read w/ in-line edit and removing the edit row action does not fix this issue. This particular issue only happens with the rich text fields (i.e. when data type is Rich text and thus the Rich_Text_Value__c field is rendered). It does not happen for text, true/false, etc.).

Hope this helps. Please advise.