Launching Conga from Skuid Table Row Action


I haven’t had to do this for conga composer but for conga conductor. So I am not sure if this will apply. But I ran into a problem with the session id and server URL so set them as I did below.

“&serverUrl=”+ partnerServer +

Here is the full snippet. Maybe you can just make tweaks to it.

var idArray = skuid.$.map(arguments[0].list.getSelectedItems(),function(item){ <br>
return item.row.Id; }); var urlFieldName="AC_Print_Sales_Invoice_Batch__c"; var partnerServer = sforce.connection.partnerServerUrls[8]; var CongaURL = "" + "?sessionId="+sforce.connection.sessionId+ "&amp;serverUrl="+ partnerServer + "&amp;MOID=" + idArray + "&amp;UrlFieldName="+urlFieldName; CongaURL, "Conga", "width=700,height=450,menubar=0" );