Automatic 'Load More' action

I’m not sure about the details, but in theory you should be able to set your model to not load anything on pageload, and then write some javascript on pageload that would sequentially load more rows until all the rows were loaded.

Use canRetrieveMoreRows and .loadNextOffsetPage() (see skuid.model.Model)

In principle, it’s something like this:

var model = skuid&#46;$M('YourModel');<br />$(document&#46;body)&#46;one('pageload, function(){<br />&nbsp; while (model&#46;canRetrieveMoreRows) {<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;model&#46;loadNextOffsetPage();<br />}<br />});

But you're going to run into async issues. You need to tell the script to wait until the query completes before looping again. I'm not confident enough to with jQuery .when() or .deferred() to take a pass at that, but I'm sure someone is!