Javascript throwing unsaved changes error when no changes have been made.

Matt, checked your renderer.fullName snippet, found this bit:

value = CC_SCH.getFullNameFromField(field);<br>skuid.ui.fieldRenderers[field.metadata.displaytype].read( field, value );<br>// If our value is not equal to the current value of the "Name" field,<br>// do an updateRow<br>if (field.Name !== value) {<br> model.updateRow(row,'Name',value,{ initiatorId: field._GUID });<br>}

I’m posting this to the Community for posterity to help others who run into a similar conundrum. One problem with the original was that field.Name was meaningless (i think you meant field.row.Name), but the bigger problem is that you are running the update check after the field renderer. Here’s how I would do this:

var <b>combinedValue</b> = CC_SCH.getFullNameFromField(field);<br><b>// If our combined value is not equal to the current value of the field,</b><br><b>// do an update, and change value appropriately</b><br>if (<b>combinedValue</b> !== value) {<br><b>&nbsp; &nbsp;value = combinedValue;<br></b>&nbsp; &nbsp;model.updateRow(row,'Name',value,{ initiatorId: field._GUID });<br>}<br>skuid.ui.fieldRenderers[field.metadata.displaytype].read( field, value );