Picklist values for custom component

Note: we recognize no documentation exists on this yet — but we’ve got some “top men” working on it — and that does not mean what it did for Indiana Jones :slight_smile: Soon, soon!

To specify the options for a picklist property, use the picklistEntries property.

{<br />&nbsp; id : 'selecteddivs',<br /><b>&nbsp; type : 'picklist',<br /></b>&nbsp; label : 'Select message centers',<br /><b>&nbsp; picklistEntries: [<br /></b><b>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; { value: 'one', label: 'Message center One' },<br /></b><b>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; { value: 'two', label: 'Message center Two' },<br /></b><b>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; { value: 'three', label: 'Message center Three' }<br /></b><b>&nbsp; ]<br /></b>}

To do a Multi-picklist property, just change type from picklistto multipicklist. The selected values will be stored in a single attribute, comma-separated, e.g. selecteddivs=“one,two”