Uncaught model... I think I have async problems?

I typically use this jquery when function. Also, you’d need to do set a deferred promise if there other actions following this in an action framework.

var model = arguments[0]&#46;model, row = arguments[0]&#46;row, $ = skuid&#46;$; var mA = skuid&#46;$M('AllAppointments'); mA&#46;createRow({additionalConditions:[ {field: 'Start__c', value: row&#46;Start__c}, {field: 'End__c', value: row&#46;End__c}, {field: 'Room__c', value: row&#46;Room__c} ]}); model&#46;deleteRow(row); $&#46;when(mA&#46;save()) &#46;done(function(){ mA&#46;setCondition(mA&#46;getConditionByName('ThisOne'), mA&#46;getFirstRow()&#46;Id); mA&#46;updateData(); }) &#46;fail(function(){ console&#46;log('Something went wrong querying ProposalLineItemForCurrentTask model&#46;'); dfdTask&#46;reject(); });<br />