Forced Refresh Every Hour?

Seth’s approach is very similar … and has the pro/con of a full page reload.  A bit jarring, but also guarantees a full new page.  My approach would just update the model, and update the page inline.  I also think it might only do it once, as setTimeout I think it a single shot whereas setInterval does it over and over again?

Taking from Seth’s example, it would look something like this (also updated to do it once per hour):

(function(skuid){<br /> $(document&#46;body)&#46;one("pageload", function(){<br /> var myModel = skuid&#46;model&#46;getModel('ADD_YOUR_MODEL_NAME_HERE');<br /> var waitTime = 60 * 60 * 1000; &#47;&#47; 60 minutes time 60 seconds time 1000 milliseconds<br /> setInterval(function() { myModel&#46;updateData();
}, waitTime);<br /> });<br />})(skuid); 

I’ll apologize in advance … I didn’t test this code!  Fingers crossed…  To make this easier to test, change the “waitTime” to something really short like “3000” (instead of 60601000), which will be once every 3 seconds.

- Chris