Call snippet from snippet

Yes, absolutely.  Snippet parameter would open many, many doors. I hadn’t mentioned it because I figured it was on the ‘future’ list already.  

If you could use the merge-template with it, it would be STUPENDOUS!

I see two methods, roughtly corresponding to a by-value parameter:


This would obviously evaluate {{}} before passing that value as a parameter.  Now if that passes an object instead of the value…

And a  ‘by reference’ parameter:


By reference is really a string, just need to be able to somehow ‘de-reference’ it in the snippet so it foo can update ‘bar’ easily.  Not sure what that would look like. Still new to skuid and snippets/javascript.

But with this, I could have my stock routines as static resources and call them from many pages.  My initial use case is for convenience buttons to increment a date field by xx number of days. (theres an action for that, but the ‘Next N Days’ is currently not working so you need snippets as a workaround.

Since JS is interperted (??), would it be possible to pass js code to a snippet as a parameter, that the snippet could run? Think similar to a sort routine where you pass a compare function.  Getting off into the weeds a bit…