page include inline javascript not running & has anyone done a progress bar?

Good call. console.log. Here are the results.

This line fails to get the input checkboxes. Works fine in the page by itself, but not in the page include.

var checkboxes = $("#reportoptions :input[type=checkbox]"); 

Here’s the code in total.

(function(skuid){ console.log('ReconReports have run'); var $ = skuid.$; $(function myfunction(){ console.log('ReconReports myFunction runs'); var checkboxes = $("#reportoptions :input[type=checkbox]"); console.log('ReconReports checkboxes count ' + checkboxes.length); for(var i=0, n=checkboxes.length;i&lt;n;i++) { checkboxes[i].checked = true; } }); })(skuid);<br>