Problem with autopopulation and get selected items

I’m going to jump in here since Rob is out for a couple days. If I understand your scenario, I think Rob is correct that you can do this at least with less code than what you are using. I think you can use a mass action on your Candidates table with type “Run Multiple Actions”, using these actions:

  • Create new row. Choose your Longlist model as the model, and then add conditions to your Create New Row action (note I am using Accounts and Opportunities instead). You can have one condition where the Candidate is equal to {{Id}} (the Id from the selected row). If you need a Project condition as well, you should be able to use {{$}} to set the Project for the new Longlist record.

  • Run a Skuid JavaScript snippet. This is used to navigate to the next step. FIRST, give your wizard a unique Id (click on the wizard component, and fill in the Unique Id field with something like ‘mywizard’. Then, add this code to your snippet:

var $ = skuid.$; var wizard = $('.nx-wizard, .wizard').data('object'); wizard.navigate('step2'); 

This process should create a new row in your Longlist model for every Candidate selected in the mass action. Does this help?