Displaying an icon for picklist

So… the Panel Set is merely a structural element.  On its own it will not show data.  You need to put somthing inside the panelset to show data.  The most straightforward item would be a field editor - with just one field in it.   Then you can follow the same instructions that Moshe links to above.   You might also turn off the save and cancel button,  make the default mode be “read only” and make the labels appear above the field…  All toward stripping it down to its most simple state… 

Alternatively you can include a “custom component” which might need to be slightly different javascript  because you wouldn’t have data about the field brought automatically into the snippet with the arguments.   You’d have to call the model / row / field combination more explicitly and then run the switch statements about which icon to show (as described in the link above).  

You might read this tutorial that includes the Custom Component to satisfy a similar use case.