How to view a visualforce page on a Skuid detail page

Preview the VF page and see what the URL looks like, then take the part that starts with “/apex” until the end of the URL, for example “/apex/SpringCM_Opportunity”. Then add an ID parameter to the URL like “?id=”. Then drag a template field into your skuid page that is on the Opportunity model, and enter the following…

<iframe src="<a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="https://apex/YOURURL?id={{{Id}}}&amp;isdtp=mn&quot;" title="Link httpsccs15visualforcecomapexSpringCM_OpportunityidIdisdtpmn">/apex/YOURURL?id={{{Id}}}&amp;isdtp=mn"</a> width="70%" height="800px" frameborder="false"></iframe>