Page include records will not load.

Case sensitivity… It is usually one of the items that trips me up…

  • For sure you need to make sure your Field Names are using the correct case in your merge statements.
  • In addition, if you pass a url parameter “foo” into a page and then look for that parameter with the merge syntax {{$Param.Foo}} - nothing will be returned. The parameter is case sensitive on that side.

What is a little confusing is that Skuid forces parameters to be lower case. If you create a model condition looking for Parameter FOO and then preview the page. You will see that in the preview it will be looking for Parameter “foo” and in the resulting page the URL parameter will be lowercase too.

So you may have set up a query string on one side that you expect to pass a parameter like this: FOO={{Id}}
But when you create a condition in the page include to look for parameter - FOO it will fail, because the parameter passed was “foo”

The best rule I can think of is to just be careful of your capitalization…