Wizard Component: Need CSS example code to enlarge field label and field

You can customize the CSS of a single field editor!

The Field editor has a property where you can give it a specific class name. I wanted some summary fields at the top of my detail page to really pop. Here is what I did.

  1. Dragged a field editor onto the page and in the advanced tab gave it a specifiic CSS class (Look in the advanced tab of the Field Editor Properties)

  2. Use the developer console to inspect the CSS being used in the standard page. You can make adjustments to the Sytles in line until you get the effect you are looking for.

  1. The CSS I ended up using looked like this.

    /* Adjust text size in top field editor */.BigTextFieldEditor .nx-fieldtext {
    font-size: 1.2em;

This affected the text size, but the same principle should be used for the lable size and any other customization you would want.