Upgraded to summer GA and this line now prevents a skuid page from being shown.

I spoke too soon, the page renders, however the field that renders as a custom picklist no longer updates. Here is the code in it’s entirety.

var field = arguments[0];
var value = arguments[1];
$ = skuid.$;

//  Build the Options for the PICKLIST
var customOpts = [
    { label: ‘–None–’, value: “” },
    { label: ‘Initial product install’ },
    { label: ‘Importing my gold image’ },
    { label: ‘Creating unattend file and initial desktop deployment’ },
    { label: ‘Layering a new application’ },
    { label: ‘Updating an OS or application layer’ },
    { label: ‘Right sizing my deployment’ },
    { label: ‘Desktop problem (booting, runtime behavior or performance)’ },
    { label: ‘A feature in the management console is not working as expected’ },
    { label: ‘Just a question’ },
    { label: ‘Unidesk web site problem’ },
    { label: ‘Documentation problem’ },
    { label: ‘Other’ }

// set the default value in the model
//field.model.updateRow(field.row, field.id, ‘’);
field.model.updateRow(field.row, field.id, ‘’, { initiatorId: field._GUID });

//  Render the options as a PICKLIST
var customSelect = skuid.ui.renderers.PICKLIST.edit({
    entries : customOpts,
    required : true,
    value : value
}).change(function() {
    //  Update the row in the target object
    if ($(this).val() == ‘Other’) {
    else {

//  Append the PICKLIST to the DOM element

// Now create the text field to support the ‘Other’ use case
var textContent = skuid.ui.renderers.TEXT.edit(field, value).change(function() {
// set the id and make it invisible to start
textContent[0].id = ‘textProblemOther’;
textContent[0].style.display = ‘none’;
// and add to the DOM