Disabling hyperlink to salesforce on reference field does not work On 'Edit and Cancel'

Hello Jnanendra -

Here is a snippet of what I’ve used to remove the hyperlink on reference fields. You can add this as a static resource and set your field to use a “Custom (run snippet)” to render specifying removeHyperlinkRendererSnippet or just create an in-line snippet resource (removing the registerSnippet below), give it a name and then set the field to use that as the custom snippet.

Hope this helps!

skuid.snippet.registerSnippet('removeHyperlinkRendererSnippet', function(args) { // let's make life a bit easier and and get some locally scoped variables
var field = arguments[0],
value = arguments[1],
renderer = skuid.ui.fieldRenderers[field.metadata.displaytype],
mode = field.mode,
$ = skuid.$;
// if we are not in edit mode
if (mode != 'edit') {
// there is a issue in skuid that does not properly clear out the relationship (__r) field
// when the relationship ID (__c) field gets set to null/empty.  For this reason, since in non-edit
// mode below we retrieve a value to display from the relationship field, we will end up with a value in there
// that is incorrect because the relationship id field (__c) is empty.  To workaround this, we
// check to see if we have a value in the relationship id field (represented by argument[1]) and if so, force
// an empty string to be displayed.  
// TODO: The "__r" not being cleared when "__c" is cleared is expected to be addressed by 
// skuid in a future release at which point this code can be simplified.
// we pass true as the third argument so we get the non-encoded version of the text value
var refFieldValue = value ? field.model.getFieldValue(field.row, skuid.utils.getFieldReference(field.id, field.metadata), true) : '';
// one last check to make sure we have something and don't display 'null' on the screen
var refFieldValue = refFieldValue || '';
// build the element using a DIV and adding skuid class to it
// if we are in edit mode
else {
// Run standard renderer for the current mode
// (applies to read/edit mode)