Allow inline-editing of merge fields in Templates

Thanks Zach, this could have real potential. I knocked up a prototype quickly:

My email composer is in a popup spawned from a row action on a table of contacts. The merging works just fine (I’m just doing the contact’s name for now) and the textarea appears editable. But when I click in the textarea I get a weird popup:

Is there something I’ve got wrong? Here’s the XML for my popup:

<popup width="900" title="">   <components>
      <pagetitle model="ClientPeople">
         <maintitle>&amp;lt;span style="font-size: 18px; color: #3cb2e1; margin-bottom: 24px;"&amp;gt;Compose Email&amp;lt;/span&amp;gt;</maintitle>
            <action type="savecancel" window="self"/>
            <condition type="contextrow" field="Id" autocreated="true"/>
      <basicfieldeditor showheader="true" showsavecancel="false" mode="edit" model="ClientPeople">
            <condition type="contextrow" field="Id" autocreated="true"/>
            <column width="100%">
                  <section title="">
                        <field xmlns="<a href=";" title="Link:;">"</a>; id="pfdev1__From_Person__c">
                        <field type="COMBO" allowhtml="true">
                           <template>&amp;lt;textarea id="EmailSubject"&amp;gt;Your contract&amp;lt;/textarea&amp;gt;</template>
                        <field type="COMBO" allowhtml="true">
                           <template>&amp;lt;textarea id="EmailBody"&amp;gt;Hi {{{pfdev1__From_Person__r.Name}}},
Wanted to let you know that your contract with us is due on . Please get in touch.&amp;lt;/textarea&amp;gt;</template>