custom case button

Ok, I just realized that you may be talking about Queues in Salesforce (allowing cases to be assigned to a group of people) rather than the Skuid Queue component. Is that what you are referring to? In this case, you can do a custom button as a row action in a Cases table that assigns the case to the current user and redirects to that case’s page.

Here’s an example I did with a list of cases belonging to a given queue, with an “Assign to Me” button.

My models are CurrentUser, Group (which references the queue, “AllSupportReps” in this case).

My code for the “Assign to Me” snippet looks like this:

//Get the current user var currentUser = skuid.model.getModel('CurrentUser').getFirstRow(); //Get the cases model and the selected case from the row var casesModel = skuid.model.getModel('Cases'); var selectedCase = arguments[0].item.row; //Update the case's owner to the current user casesModel.updateRow(selectedCase, {OwnerId: currentUser.Id});; //Redirect to the case's page window.location = '/' + selectedCase.Id;

If this is not the solution you need, let me know and I will dig deeper and see if I can find what you’re looking for.