'in' operator bug in model condition

Thanks Zach, however it still doesn’t seem to be working. The PTI model gets updated so that the “data” element contains only 2 records instead of the original 91. But the ESCO model still is using the original values in the “in” condition. And the soql for the ESCO model looks like this…
"SELECT Id,Name,Max_Adder_Date__c,LDC__r.Name,LDC__c,Index__r.Name,Index__c,Commodity__r.Name,Commodity__c,Adder_Rate__c FROM ESCO_Product__c WHERE (Id in (‘a39e0000000Ax2VAAS’,‘a39e0000000Ax9WAAS’,‘a39e0000000Az4FAAS’,‘a39e0000000Az4UAAS’,‘a39e0000000Az53AAC’,‘a39e0000000AzBpAAK’,‘a39e0000000AzDMAA0’,‘a39e0000000AzBaAAK’ " etc… it’s still using the original values even though PTI has been updated.