'in' operator bug in model condition

Hi Moshe,

So the trick with “Field from another Model” Conditions as they relate to JavaScript is this: you have to call updateData on the source models as well as dependent Models concurrently in order to get the “Field from another Model” Conditions to reevaluate themselves — otherwise, there’s no Source Model in Apex memory for the dependent Models to pull from, and so they will rely on their existing values.

What this means is that you should use the multi-Model version of updateData, like this:

PTI.setCondition(indexCondition,Id);<br>skuid.model.updateData([PTI,adder,ESCO],function(){<br>&nbsp; &nbsp;console.log('in callback');<br>&nbsp; &nbsp;console.log(PTI);<br>&nbsp; &nbsp;console.log(adder);<br>&nbsp; &nbsp;console.log(ESCO);<br>&nbsp; &nbsp;$.each(PTI.data, function(coolRow){<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; console.log(PTI.getFieldValue(coolRow,'ESCO_Product__c', true));<br>&nbsp; &nbsp;});<br>});