Adding a Box custom component or template to my page

Hey Moshe,

First I want to thank you for taking the time to get back to me and answer my question. I want to first acknowledge I am just now learning coding language and mainly learn how to do things from reading instructions etc. So to say the least my knowledge is lacking. I tried what you suggested and I have a few questions.

  1. Is there any way I can fix the issue with the authentication Error?
  2. When you talked about the running user model should have a condition I really did not understand that part and that is why I am getting an error on the second image below.
  3. When I previewed the template it did not just show one iframe it seemed to show multiple as I scrolled down. I was wondering how I can have it show only one just like it would in my SF Org?
  4. How do I make the information in box primarily reference the AccountID, ContactID etc information first as it does naturally in the SF org. So if the Account I am in is John Smith I would like it to show Joe Smiths documents first.

Thanks so much for the help