How do I refresh (updateData) a model with a dependent modelmerge condition?

Hi Stephen, As long as you use skuid.model.updateData([EntitySubscriptionFollowersModel,FollowersModel]) to re-query BOTH Models at the same time, then it should work. I’ve tried this on my test page and it works fine moving from 0 to 1 followers, from 1 to 0 followers, from 1 to 2, from 2 to 1… each time the Models are updated appropriately.

var ESF = skuid.model.getModel('EntitySubscriptionFollowers'); var ESFParentId = ESF.getConditionByName('ParentId'); ESF.setCondition(ESFParentId,selectedAccountId); var Followers = skuid.model.getModel('Followers'); skuid.model.updateData([ESF,Followers],function(){ console.log('update data complete!'); });