Fixed width image as table header

To get the two components to line up side by side you need to put them in a Panel Set component.  If you choose the Panel Set Type “Fluid with Sidebars”  and then select the left panel - you will be able to set its panel width property (in pixels).  This is a fixed property and will not change as the screen resizes.   

The trick is then that you need to add another panel.  Select the Panel Set again and  “Add Panel”  The new panel will be between the two panels - and will also have a “panel width” property. 

The last panel in this model will just take up the remaining space.  You can probably just leave it blank. 

In my testing this works as you change screen size.  It also seems to work as you increase or decrease the zoom factor in your browser.  (I’m using Chrome).  At some point its going to fail,  but hopefully it will be as flexible as you need.