How to move Buttons, Links and Actions as part of Change Set.?

I believe that the Action Overrides you have defined for a given Custom Object can be moved between orgs via Change Sets if you include the following in the Change Set: - the Custom Object - the Visualforce Page - (usually not relevant for Skuid overrides) any Apex Classes referenced by the VF Pages that are not already in the target org Note that this is NOT possible for Standard Objects — Action Overrides on Standard Objects cannot be deployed between orgs with Change Sets. So for your scenario, you should be able to move your Skuid Action Overrides, for a Custom Object, and the VF Pages that you are overriding them with by simply including the Custom Object and VF Page in your Change Set. For instance, in a Sandbox, I have a Custom Object called “Circle__c” that is also in my Production org. I added a Skuid Tab page for Circle__c in the Sandbox, and override the Circle__c Object’s Tab Action with a corresponding VF Page called “CircleTab”, which launches the Skuid Page. I included both the the Circle__c object and CircleTab VF Page in a change set to move between Sandbox and Production: After uploading and Deploying the Change Set to my Production org, the Production Org’s Circle__c object’s Tab action has been overridden as desired: