Override the standard date picker

Skuid’s Datepicker is based on the jQuery UI Datepicker, and as such can be customized using the jQuery UI Datepicker API, globally for all Datepicker instances in a particular Skuid page, or for a particular Datepicker instance. Example Use Case: -Show Month picker -Show Year Picker, showing 85 Years ago to the Present Year To do this in a particular Skuid Page, add a new JavaScript Resource, of type “Inline”, with this as its content:

(function(skuid){ var $ = skuid.$; // Global datepicker settings override for this page $.datepicker.setDefaults({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, yearRange: "-85:-0" }); })(skuid); 

This will affect all Datepickers on the current Skuid Page, as well as in any included Skuid Pages.