SKUID vs standard interface comparison.

I’m an interested party,  so you can take this response with a grain of salt.  But I think there are some comments you’ve made on the “standard interface” that I’d take exception to.  There really is not a “Skuid Way”.  We feel the options provided can be mixed and matched with a level of flexibility that you can solve almost any user need.  (grain of salt inserted here). 

So - if you wanted to replicate the standard salesforce interface,  there are some ways that could be done in skuid. 

1. Recent Items is a standard salesforce object (recently viewed).  You could create a simple Skuid table on that model and make a sidebar.  I bet that the icons correspond to data points on that model and could be recretaed with some Javascript. 

2. The Quick Create panel could be recreated with a stripped down field editor on a separate “new account” model. 

3. If you want a list of reports and tools on your front page of accounts -  You could add template components below your table and code the HTML links there. 

4. Similarly page help could be produced with a button in the page title component that launched a popup with help in it (or was a link to Salesforce help). 

Similarly - we spent some time recently looking at the Microsoft CRM UI that has recently launched with some fanfare (Have you seen the headlines “Salesforce,  the 90’s called and they want thier UI back”).  The UI that Microsoft is touting as revolutionary can pretty much completely be re-created with Skuid.  We’ll write a post about it soon.  Creativity and user need analysis.  These are the skills required. 

Thanks for your good reflection.  Let’s keep the conversation going.